Travel Tryout Schedule
Club-wide tryouts are scheduled for 4/7 - 4/18.
Most teams will allow for tryouts during times outside of this window. Register for a free tryout today.
Specific team tryouts will be listed below and you can reference this page to find other openings and to reach out to the coaches.
- 2016 boys (Blue Bombers) - tryouts on 4/10 and 4/17 from 6-7:30pm.
- 2016 girls (Shooting Stars & Heat) - tryouts the week of 4/7 and 4/14 (specific days TBD).
- 2017 girls (Chaos) - tryouts on 4/7 and 4/16 from 5:30-7pm.
Although players may be eligible to tryout at age groups above theirs, LNUSC encourages players to tryout for their age appropriate team.
To register (FREE) for a tryout please visit our registration page and look for our FREE travel tryout registration form.
For more information and to contact a specific team - go to